Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ubuntu && Speedtouch DSL Router - Metrics

spiros@lapdog:~/$ [1] [2]

1: times to run query
2: delay between queries

spiros@lapdog:~/$ 50 5|grep Margin
The above will result in printing 50 times (every 5 seconds each repetition) the Signal/Noise Ratio 
Margin       (dB)            :        18.0             34.0
Margin       (dB)            :        18.0             34.0
Margin       (dB)            :        18.0             32.5

Margin       (dB)            :        18.0             32.5

Example 2:

spiros@lapdog:~/$ 50 5|grep Margin>>Margin.txt
The above example stores Margin to text file Margin.txt for further analysis.
Bash Script:
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# GPL v2 -
(sleep .25; #delay 250ms
echo Administrator; echo -e "\r"; sleep .25; #your username with delay 250ms
echo yourpassword;echo -e "\r"; sleep .25; #your password with delay 250ms
for i in `seq 1 $1`; #script argument 1 - repetition of query
        echo ":adsl info expand enabled" ; #the query to run to router
        echo -e "\r";
        sleep $2; #script argument 2 - time to run query
echo "exit" ; echo -e "\r") | telnet #router ip address

# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  • Don't forget to chmod the script to +x.
  • You must change the password.
  • Be carefull were you put the *.sh file. Password is stored in plain text format.
  • Tested on Alcatel Speedtouch ST780.
  • Should work with a little tweak on many other telnet-able modems/routers.




Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Running Injuries (updated)

Where Duration of pain Comments
L. Achilles 26 months (Oct08-Mar10) Very annoyning!
ITBS L. knee 2 weeks (Oct08) Hurts like mad!
ITBS R. knee 1 month ... (Sep09) Hurts like mad!
L. ankle sprain 3 weeks (Aug09) Grade 1
R. ankle sprain 3 weeks cast, 40 days off (Mar10) Grade 2-3

In the beginning of an injury: RICE
During injury training: Cut on anything that hurts (e.g Achilles--> no uphill)
Post injury training: Running like mad till another injury occures!

Durations above are my times till partial or full recovery.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My new plastic friend!

I sprained my ankle on Imittos and had to run 4k to return back home. The swelling and pain started right after I entered the house. In the evening I visited my doctor, who said I injured my deltoid ligaments pretty badly (Grade 2 to Grade 3) and had a minor fracture on the fibula bone. Sprained ankle - 3 weeks with the cast, 40+ days off running.